Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Task #7: You Look Good Enough to Eat

I really like food. Specifically potatoes. I think if somebody was to autopsy my body they'd find that I was made out of 80% potato matter. Fortunately for me, I keep my potatoes in the fridge so this should be an easy assignment.....

I'd like you to make a self portrait using items in your fridge.

Seriously though, it doesn't have to be foods you specifically eat a lot of–just items that happen to be in your fridge. You're also not required to eat it later, so feel free to mix media!


I love playing with my food—so I really thought this task would inspire more people! Plus there's all sorts of fun colors in the fridge I learned! So here's what we got this week!

Jenny | One Hot Lady


Danny | So let's pretend I didn't dye my hair back to blonde! My vegetarian fridge/self looks like this. Includes: hummus, carrot, ketchup, pesto, mushrooms and mashed blackberries!

Bethany in Yolk Leftovers and Condiments

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